Find out more about the many success stories that have stemmed from EndoDefineTM and LipoDefineTM treatments. This cutting-edge system is used around the world, changing the lives of patients who choose the treatments.
The device offers a non-invasive approach for body sculpting and facial rejuvenation treatments. To find out more about the powerful treatments available from DEFINELaser, visit our EndoDefineTM & LipoDefineTM pages.
LipoDefineTM Results
Treatment: Hips, buttocks, saddlebags and inner thigh with knees.
Before/1 month post-treatment
Courtesy of Dra. Heredia
Treatment: Volume repositioning and skin tightening.
Before/1 month post-treatment
Courtesy of Dra. Heredia
Treatment: Stomach & hips treatment.
Before/After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Porcuna
Treatment: Body reshaping.
Before/After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Espelt
Treatment: Body reshaping.
Before/After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Matin
Treatment: Upper arms body reshaping.
Before/After treatment
Dr Juan Corado
Treatment: Body reshaping.
Before/After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Matin
Treatment: Body reshaping.
Before/After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Matin
EndoDefineTM Results
Treatment: Lower third and neck remodeling.
Before/ After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Porcuna
Treatment: Lower third and neck remodeling.
Before/ After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Porcuna
Treatment: Lower third and neck remodeling.
Before/ After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Porcuna
Treatment: Jawline and neck remodeling.
Before/ After treatment
Courtesy of Dr. Matin
Next-Generation Diode Laser Technology
- Optimal 1470nm Wavelength
- Complete control of energy delivery
- Sensor-driven technology
- Unmatched sterility
- With atraumatic fibres & cannulas
- Intuitive user interface